
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tip Me Tuesday


Tips for life, home, and just in general.

1. Don't fry bacon in the nude.
(My all time favorite, my dad would always tell this to our waiter/waitress growing up. It never gets old.)

2. If you have a ring around your table left from a sweating glass. Dip your finger in mayonnaise and rub around the stain. Let sit, several minutes and remove with rag. Stain should disappear.

3. Don't have stain remover, use hairspray. It will remove makeup, ink stains, and everything else.

4. You can use your hair dryer to remover pesky stickers on bottles, glass and containers.

5. Gun safety: Always keep your gun away pointed in a safe direction, such as at a terrorist or communist.

5. Wear plenty of deodorant on moving day.

Hope this few tips help make your life better.

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Love hearing from y'all! Thanks for reading!