Starts: January 1, 2014
Ends: September 28, 2016
If it is in Bold, it is a work in progress.
If it is in italics, I did not complete it.
*These are in no particular order.
4. Become members of our church.
5. Buy a new Bible.
6. Put together a book together of 100 Bible verses & favorite quotes. (1/100)
6. Put together a book together of 100 Bible verses & favorite quotes. (1/100)
7. Read 25 books. (4/25)
1. Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay
2. Gone Girl
3. One & Only
4. Olive's Ocean
8. Do yoga everyday for 30 days. (0/30)
9. Get a passport.
10. Run a half marathon.
11. Find the perfect little black dress.
13. Find a 9-5 job with benefits.
14. Get a blow out.
14. Get a blow out.
15. "Unplug" for 48 hours.
16. Save enough to buy myself a Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM.
17. Commit to a skincare routine.
18. Go an entire month without buying anything at Starbucks.
19. Take Hunters Ed & Pass.
17. Commit to a skincare routine.
20. Find the perfect mascara.
21. Recreate our first date.
22. Watch Mr. Army Man jump out of an airplane.
23. Bring him lunch to work.
24. Make it to a promotion/graduation ceremony.
25. Start a daily devotional.
26. Get couples massage.
27. Take concealed handgun class together.
28. Pack his lunch everyday for a month,
complete with a handwritten note. (0/30)
29. Go to a couples yoga class .
30. Take a Salsa class together.
31. Start our own Family Christmas Traditions.
32. Go fishing with Mr. Army Man in his new boat.
22. Watch Mr. Army Man jump out of an airplane.
24. Make it to a promotion/graduation ceremony.
25. Start a daily devotional.
26. Get couples massage.
27. Take concealed handgun class together.
28. Pack his lunch everyday for a month,
complete with a handwritten note. (0/30)
29. Go to a couples yoga class .
30. Take a Salsa class together.
31. Start our own Family Christmas Traditions.
32. Go fishing with Mr. Army Man in his new boat.
33. Have a natural birth- no epidural.
34. Breast feed for at least 6 months. (12/6)
35. Take him to visit the Memphis Zoo.
36. Try making homemade baby food.
37. Teach him to walk before 1st birthday. (9.5 months)
38. Potty train by 2nd birthday.
39. Get him a life insurance policy.
40. Take him to the ATL Aquarium.
41. Take him to the Memphis Children's Museum.
42. Buy a Piggy Bank.
43. Start a savings account for him.
44. Make his first birthday cake.
45. Have Cooper Baptized.
33. Have a natural birth- no epidural.
38. Potty train by 2nd birthday.
39. Get him a life insurance policy.
40. Take him to the ATL Aquarium.
41. Take him to the Memphis Children's Museum.
45. Have Cooper Baptized.
For Others:
46. Volunteer for The Salvation Army,
ringing the bell to collect Christmas donations.
47. Be someones maid of honor.
48. Donate old clothes to local shelter or those in need.
49. Send out 101 letters snail mail style. (21/101)
50. Send a random care package to a friend.
51. Bake Christmas goodies for neighbors.
52. Buy someone coffee at Starbucks.
53. Donate blood.
54. Donate old books to local library.
ringing the bell to collect Christmas donations.
47. Be someones maid of honor.
49. Send out 101 letters snail mail style. (21/101)
51. Bake Christmas goodies for neighbors.
53. Donate blood.
54. Donate old books to local library.
57. Guest post for a blogger.
58. Organize my pictures on my computer.
61. Host a giveaway on a friend's blog.
63. Leave 10 comments on other blogs everyday for a month. (0/30)
65. Host a blogger event.
67. Buy new platters & service ware.
68. Remodel master bath.
69. Meal plan for an entire month.
70. Bake/cook for 10 people I love. (4/10)
72. Save $150 per month.
75. Get built ins installed around fireplace.
79. Stay in Tunica.
80. Go on a girls trip.
81. Fly first class.
82. See a drive in movie.
83. Attend the Fayetteville Blues & Brews Fest.
84. Go to a horse race.
85. Stay at a B&B.
86. Visit five new cities. (3/5)
80. Go on a girls trip.
81. Fly first class.
82. See a drive in movie.
83. Attend the Fayetteville Blues & Brews Fest.
84. Go to a horse race.
85. Stay at a B&B.
86. Visit five new cities. (3/5)
Asheville, NC
Birmingham, AL
Birmingham, AL
88. Go to a wine tasting at a vineyard.
89. Spend a weekend at the beach.
90. Attend a food festival.
91. Get a psychic reading.
92. Go skinny dipping.
94. Go to a tequila bar.
95. Go on a picnic.
99. Go white water rafting.
100. Go ice skating.
101. Finish this list & make another one.
Wish me luck!