Friday, May 31, 2013

Hiking Essentials

Footpath Trek

This weekend I hope to continue on with our training schedule
so we can get one step closer to those ELEVEN miles.

I put together a collaboration of what we take on our hikes.
Can't wait to fill you in on are progress.
Now, I better scoot so I can pack our ruck &
then head off to Greensboro for some shopping!
Have a great weekend!

Sysco Tour

Last Thursday, I had a tour of Sysco Raleigh with my boss.
We went up to meet with a chef consultant to finalize our menu,
so we could begin pricing and send it to the printers.

We were welcomed with this:

Before getting to work, we toured the facility.
They have such an innovative way of getting their products out &
keeping them as fresh as possible in the process. 

After we took a tour, we went to the test kitchen 
and the chef made some goodies to try that
 we will serve at The Red Sofa. 

Make sure you follow us on Facebook for updates on the opening!

It was such a neat experience and I can't wait until the doors open 
& we start serving up some amazing food!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lunch Date

Tuesday, I had another fabulous lunch date with 
Brooke from What2Wear Blog.

We ate A Southern Season in Chapel Hill.
I literally fall more in love with this place every time I go..

If you're in the area, make sure you check it out..
It will not disappoint! 

Broccoli Cheddar Quiche & House Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette 
Love her!
Life's little luxuries.. Couldn't leave A Southern Season without macaroons. 

Only one more day until the weekend!
Yay! I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Footpath Trek

North Carolina is a paradise for nature lovers..
It's beautiful mountains, rolling hills, streams, and wildlife.

Recently, Mr. Army Man, Libby (our dog) and I have been enjoying quite a bit of time hiking and enjoying the great outdoors.

Anytime spent out and about is especially great for our lab, Libby,who is a big ball of energy.

We frequent our local park often and ended up hiking a few times this weekend.

On Saturday we trekked about 2.5 miles.
And on Sunday we did right at 1.5.

I go to the gym about 4 times a week but getting out in the sunshine and having a fabulous view was amazing.

While on the trail I dared Mr. Army Man
to cross a dead long  across a little stream.
Of course, he made it across and then doubled back.

We came across an intense trail that was roped off with caution tape. We knew we wanted to hike it, but we would definitely have to work up to it.

The trail is ELEVEN miles complete with poison ivy, copperhead snakes, and of course spiders. But I knew it was something that I really wanted to do.

I love a really good challenge and having my husband beside me I know I can accomplish it.
We are going to be training to and have a goal set
that we can complete the eleven miles in about 5-6 weeks.

We plan on checking out some other local hiking trails at Raven Rock, Jordan Lake and the American Tobacco Trail.

I am so excited! And hopefully with eating right and hiking regularly, along with my normal gym workout I can lose some of this weight I've gained from stress and lack of self control (at least I'm honest..)

Hope y'all have a great week!
I can't wait to get on the trail again this weekend!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Got to Be..

Mr. Army Man called Friday morning
& told me we HAD to got to Raleigh this weekend.
I wanted to have a relaxing weekend so I told him
if we were going it had to be that day..

We headed up to Raleigh when he got off work around lunch time.
I had no idea what I was getting myself into!

We went up for the Got to be NC Festival.
We walked around the Food & Wine exhibit,
& waited for the first thing Mr. Army Man wanted to do..
Watch the tractor parade..

After the tractor parade we walked around, ate some food, 
& waited for the Pig Race.
It was pretty much like horse racing but WAY better!
Oh my goodness did we get a laugh out of watching these little pig race around the track.
If you've never seen it, you've got to put it on your Bucket List..
Only in North Carolina would there be Pig Racing.

Of course we couldn't leave the Festival without eating a funnel cake!
Hope y'all's weekend was as good as ours!

Make sure you sign up for the PJ & Poppy Giveaway!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cabbage & Red Pepper Gratin

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 red bell pepper, cut in small dice
6 to 7 cups shredded cabbage (about 1 1/2 pounds)
1 teaspoon sweet or smoky paprika
3 eggs
1/2 cup milk
2 ounces Gruyère (I used Cheddar, it was all I had), grated (1/2 cup)
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Oil a 2-quart gratin dish. Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a large, heavy nonstick skillet. Add the onion. Cook, stirring often, until tender, about five minutes. Add the red pepper. Cook, stirring, until the pepper is tender and the onion is beginning to color, about five minutes. Stir in the cabbage and paprika. Add salt to taste, and cook, stirring, until the cabbage begins to wilt, about five minutes. Cover the pan, turn the heat to low and continue to cook for another five to 10 minutes until the cabbage is tender. Remove from the heat.
2. Beat the eggs in a large bowl, and whisk in about 1/2 teaspoon salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Whisk in the milk, and stir in the cabbage mixture and the cheese. Scrape into the baking dish.
3. Bake 35 to 40 minutes until the top is lightly browned. Remove from the heat, and allow to cool for 10 minutes or longer before serving.
Yield: Serves four to six.
Nutritional information per serving: 
Four Servings: 233 calories 
Six Servings: 155 calories
I made this recipe a couple of days ago, and I am in love.
It is also great for those who are clean eating.
separated it into four servings and 
have been eating it every morning for breakfast.
Just nuke it in the microwave (since I make it ahead of time) 
& serve it with some cantaloupe. 
Seriously so good!
Hope y'all are having a good week & enjoy!

Published in New York Times by Martha Rose Shulman in 2011

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

PJ & Poppy Giveaway

I am so excited to share this fab giveaway with y'all. 
As most of you know I love jewelry. 
The perfect piece can make any outfit complete!

Madison from PJ & Poppy is giving one lucky reader 
their choice of color Tassel Bracelet
Make sure you check out her Etsy Store for more cute items.
I am in love with this Emerald Green Tassel Key Chain
She is always updating & getting new items in, so be sure to follow her Instagram as well. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Red Sofa

Right before I broke my foot last October, 
(read about that here)
I starting looking for a job. 
To graduate I need to have internship experience.

I starting looking around our area for a job, 
a local boutique owner and dear friend, Dana, 
told me she would help me find a job.

After I broke my foot, getting a job was put on the back burner,
& I didn't think about it much.
A few weeks ago, Dana called me and told me about a job opportunity. 
She and her husband are opening a local restaurant 
& have hired me to be the Head Chef/Back of House Manager.

I am so happy that I finally have a job & that I'm working with such a great staff.
These past few weeks we have attended the US Foods Show,
finalized the menu, worked on restaurant renovations,
I have started pricing the menu, and ordering food last week.

I can't wait until we open &
I can't wait to share more about The Red Sofa with you!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

I don't get up on my soap box very often, but today, is one of those times.

Many people don't know but the United States Armed Forces 
are held together by none other than the spouses of these brave heroes.
Today, we celebrate those generous men & women who cheer their spouses on from the sidelines, 
care for the children 365 days a year, pack up the house at a moments notice to move,
& the essential caretakers of those precious wounded warriors. 
We celebrate their brave contributions and for giving their 
soldiers, seamen, and airmen all the love and support that the deserve.

If you don't know this by now..
It is Military Spouse Appreciation Day.

Make sure you let those Military Spouses you know,
how much you support them & what they do for our country.
Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day to all my Military Spouse friends.
You know we have to stick together! ;)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Doodle's Mom

Are you a follower of What2Wear Blog?
After several months of following Brooke, 
and reading her blog religiously, I knew I had to meet her.
She is absolutely the cutest thing!

Tuesday, I met with her at Nordstorm's Cafe Bistro for lunch.
It was like we have known each other forever..
We immediately started talking about school (she also went to the Art Institute), 
family, life, and of course, blogging & shopping (our two favorite things, besides food.) 

After eating & chatting for a while, we walked around the mall & window shopped.
We had the best time and decided to make it a bi-monthly thing.
Lunch & some much needed girl time.
So glad we finally got together & that I found a sweet blogger friend.

Make sure you go follow Brooke's blog.
She is always dressed the cutest!
Seriously, run don't walk..

Of course I found something for baseball season that I just need.

Lots of exciting announcements on the blog next week!
(No, I'm not pregnant!)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Natural Born Heeler

I recently became a member of Shoe Dazzle.
When I first got on the site I thought it was a little sketchy.
You answer about 10 questions & based on the questions,
they customize the shoes, bags, & accessories they offer in your 'Showroom.'

After completing the questions, I could enter my 'Showroom.'
They shoe styles they offered to me were pretty spot on.
As were the bags & accessories.
I was pretty stunned, to say the least.

Then I began to inspect the prices. All extremely reasonable.
Mostly $25-$45.
My next thought was.. Are they durable?
Are they going to last?
And lastly, are they comfortable?

My husband knows I'm a shoe freak.
I don't really have a lot of clothes, 
but the right shoe can make any outfit complete.
He started looking at the site. And was pretty excited too.
I left the computer on the coffee table & went to make dinner.

Long story short, I didn't think much about the site again.
A few days later, a package was sitting on our porch.
He had picked out & ordered me a gorgeous pair of shoes.

I immediately tried them on..
And I am thrilled to report that, yes, they are very comfortable.
And I do believe they will last for as long as you take care of them properly.

He also signed me up for their VIP Membership.
They give you $9.95 for signing up..
Then once a month they take $9.95 from the Debit/Credit card you have on file,
and puts it into a "shoe fund."

Another perk of having the VIP Membership is being able to "heart" your favorite shoes,
& it saves them for later.
You can also invite friends to join & after their first purchase you both get "Style Points."

You get "Style Points" after you complete a purchase or after you invite friends to join.
Once you earn so many style points you get a $39.95 store credit.

If you would like to join please leave your email address below so I can send you an invite.
I would love to earn points with you!

*No compensation was received for the following review. 
All opinions were my own.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Baby Gibby Giveaway

I am partnering with Tara who writes the ever fabulous blog, 
Tara, myself & eight other amazing bloggers are offering
a rather exceptional giveaway opportunity 
to celebrate the announcement of Tara's first baby! (Praying for a girl!)

Tara has teamed up with some chic boutiques to give one lucky lady a $125 shopping spree! 
Believe me when I tell you this, Tara is extremely amazing because
she hasn't stopped with just that!
Another reader will earn an outfit styled by Tara.

Don't be upset, even I signed up for this giveaway!
Um, don't you want an outfit designed by her?
Check out the details below for to enter for a chance to win!

And make sure you check out these other incredible fashionable ladies too!