Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Footpath Trek

North Carolina is a paradise for nature lovers..
It's beautiful mountains, rolling hills, streams, and wildlife.

Recently, Mr. Army Man, Libby (our dog) and I have been enjoying quite a bit of time hiking and enjoying the great outdoors.

Anytime spent out and about is especially great for our lab, Libby,who is a big ball of energy.

We frequent our local park often and ended up hiking a few times this weekend.

On Saturday we trekked about 2.5 miles.
And on Sunday we did right at 1.5.

I go to the gym about 4 times a week but getting out in the sunshine and having a fabulous view was amazing.

While on the trail I dared Mr. Army Man
to cross a dead long  across a little stream.
Of course, he made it across and then doubled back.

We came across an intense trail that was roped off with caution tape. We knew we wanted to hike it, but we would definitely have to work up to it.

The trail is ELEVEN miles complete with poison ivy, copperhead snakes, and of course spiders. But I knew it was something that I really wanted to do.

I love a really good challenge and having my husband beside me I know I can accomplish it.
We are going to be training to and have a goal set
that we can complete the eleven miles in about 5-6 weeks.

We plan on checking out some other local hiking trails at Raven Rock, Jordan Lake and the American Tobacco Trail.

I am so excited! And hopefully with eating right and hiking regularly, along with my normal gym workout I can lose some of this weight I've gained from stress and lack of self control (at least I'm honest..)

Hope y'all have a great week!
I can't wait to get on the trail again this weekend!


  1. Sounds like so much fun!!!! Knowing David when you two do the eleven mile trail, he will carry his RUCK!! Enjoy! Love ya'll!

  2. I have hiked all three places that you mentioned at some point in my life. I think Raven Rock is my favorite.

  3. There are some parts of NC that I miss and these are it.

  4. You should try Hanging Rock State Park! It's only a mile or so to the top of Hanging Rock and the views are gorgeous!

    xo, Taylor

  5. Looks like some amazing scenery for hiking. I could do without the snakes and spiders though. Can't wait to see pictures from those other hikes you are planning.

  6. You can definitely get there! Lol, I don't know if I could do that trail though, purely because of the snakes and spiders! Yikes! No thanks!!! Love the pictures!



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