Wednesday, February 12, 2014


If you follow me on Instagram, 
which you should...

You would know we took a weekend baby moon to DC.

Packing is literally always the worst part, 
especially when your 35 weeks pregnant& have no desire to get dressed most days. 

We made it up just in time for dinner. 
We made reservations to The Hamiliton & I definitely recommend it.

The Soppressata Charcuterie Platter.

How adorable is my sweet husband?

Duck Confit Carbonara. 

After dinner we strolled the icy streets of DC & wondered over to Ford's Theater. 

Since it was so cold & I really wanted dessert, 
we set out walking to find one.
And stumbled onto this beauty...

It was literally the best S'more I've ever had.

Chocolate Creme Brulee, Homemade Toasted Marshmallow, 
Graham Crumble, Chocolate Ganache Brownie, 
and a Chocolate Malted Shooter.

Make sure if your in the area or go to travel you stop by 
Co Co Sala for their amazing desserts and drinks. 

The next morning we got up and headed back to Ford's Theater 
& had breakfast at Lincoln's Waffle Shop across the street.

We ordered way too much & left absolutely stuffed. 
The banana pancakes are literally to die for.

Of course, no trip to DC is complete without a stop in Zara.
The hubs also needed to get a coat because he left his at home.
We walked out with something for the whole family
& scored a new coat for Mr. Army Man.
It was orginally $279 and we got it for $69.
Talk about a steal!

We walked over to the National Archives and spotted a sweet spot with fresh macaroons.
Paul's was such a treat & had some of the most gorgeous pastries. 

We kept walking and ended up right in front of the Washington Monument. 
By this point I was exhausted & we sat in the park for a while enjoying the scenery. 

A sweet friend of mine recommended that we stop into the Holocaust Museum.
& I am so glad she did. 
I literally think it was my favorite part of the trip 
aside from all the food. Haha.

For dinner we had reservations for Old Ebbitt Grill.
It is one of our favorite restaurants in DC
& we always make it a point to eat there when we are in town.
It certainly never disappoints.  

After such a full day, we headed back to the hotel 
& we were both racked out by 9:45.

We woke up early so we could get home.
At the end of every trip we always have brunch at L'Enfant Cafe.

They have the best cappuccinos and crepes.
Literally to die for.

We had such an amazing baby moon
& I cannot wait to show our son the beautiful city our country was founded on.

Thanks babe for such beautiful memories & delicious food. 


  1. I love DC! We have the potential to PCS there and I am keeping my fingers crossed. :) What a nice trip you took.

  2. Omg all this food looks amaze! Fun! Kinda wish we took a babymoon! We keep saying now we need a vacation!

  3. Old Ebbitt Grill and Founding Farmers are our two favorite restaurants in D.C.! So glad you had a great time! We love that city to death!

  4. What a great trip! The food and sights definitely put DC at the top of my bucket list!

  5. A baby moon sounds like such a fun idea! I love DC, and the Holocaust museum is one of my favorite things too ;)


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