Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pharmacy Favorites

Pharmacy Favorites

Recently, I have made quite a few stops in CVS, Walgreens, etc. 
I have come across some of the best products that I highly recommend 
& a few that I won't go without again!

1. Neutrogena Grapefruit Scented Oil Free Acne Wash-
If you have been following for a while you know of my slight obsession with grapefruit.
I eat at least one a day, if not two. If it is grapefruit. I want it!

2. Vaseline Spray & Go Lotion-
I hate lotion. Applying a sticky goo to my skin is just not something I enjoy doing.
I hate having it on my hands and immediately wash after applying. 
I hate it even more if it is heavy or greasy.
This is the perfect product. Light, spray that indefinably hydrates. 

3. Nivea Lip Butter in Vanilla & Macadamia-
Love. Love. Love.
So delicious and ultra moisturizing. 
Run, don't walk, to get it right now!!

4. Rimmel London Extra Super Lash Mascara- 
I go through mascara about like I go through grapefruits. Quick.
When I find one I love I keep going back for more.
This is one that gives long lashes, with no clumps. 
And the best part they look au nautrale.  

5. Essie Nail Lacquer-
I love having my nails painted. It makes me feel so girly.
And what's even better you can pick to match your outfit. 
This one is long lasting and has the most beautiful colors.
And you can't beat the price! Much cheaper than my other fave Butter London. 

Hope you enjoy my current pharmacy favorites!
If you like this little segment, I may try to do it once a month or even host a link up.
Let me know!


  1. Thanks for the Brands. I seem to have stuck on the same brands for ever! Will check some of them hout!

  2. I am dying to try the spray-on lotion. I use a similar sunscreen and I love it. Thanks!!


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