Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Four Christmases

Four Christmases

We have been beyond blessed & extremely busy this holiday season.
Four Christmases, busy!
We came home for vacation & couldn't ask for a better one.

Now let's begin the recap.
Excuse the picture overload.

Christmas Eve.

"The Lee Family Christmas"
We started off Christmas Eve with the hubs family.
We all had such a fun time catching up.
Since last Christmas we've had two new additions.
So fun to see everyone & get some baby love. 
All the grand-kids & great grand-kids with Grand Dad.
The Originals. 
Us with Grand Dad. He's such a "G."
In Laws.
We had some new additions. :)

Next up..
"The Chrestman Family Christmas"
We then headed over to my parents house to open presents with my two brothers, since they were going to their in-laws on Christmas day.
We had such a fun time opening gifts with my niece. 
She is a mess!
Mom's Tree
Brother & his girl.

The Girls
Husband & my brothers.
After we finished up at my parents we headed to my grandparents house.
We ate, played bingo & ate more.
I was so excited I won bingo four times!

My niece loved the presents we got her & kept putting her "lip lick" on me.
She asked me which color I wanted. 
Purple, lello {yellow} or boo {blue.} 
She told my Papaw that he was fired from being the bingo caller.
My niece, Ella Grace.
My Papaw

Christmas Day..

"The Neal Family Christmas"
Every Christmas morning we gather at Mr. Army Man's parents house.
We always eat a huge breakfast, have mimosas & open gifts.
It is so fun. 
I forgot my camera for this one so the photos are limited.
My other niece Meghan had to try on my dress from my mother in law.
Too funny!


"Another Chrestman Family Christmas"
We had a massive lunch at my parents & got to open presents with my Great Grandma. It was so yummers to eat my mom's home cooking since we were out of town for Thanksgiving.

We had the best Christmas an awoke this morning to a true winter wonderland. I absolutely feel blessed beyond belief for all the love & family time that was cherished in the past few days.
So sad we will be leaving soon. 

Up next on the blog roll a massive recap on our cruise trip to Mexico.
Hope y'all had a very Merry Christmas!


  1. Love it! You had a busy Christmas. And you had smiles in every picture. Kudos to you!

  2. What a wonderful Christmas you had! I love the pictures. :)

  3. Looks like a busy, yet wonderful Christmas!

  4. WOW...your Christmas is SO busy!

  5. What a great Christmas busy lady! Love the pictures! I have family in Arkansas too! Love it there! :)

  6. The photo of your niece putting on lip lick is adorable! :)

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