Monday, May 21, 2012

Ladies Luncheon

Ladies Luncheon

Ladies Luncheon by morgan-neal 

Another idea.. Same concept!
Pinned Image
I'm hosting a Ladies Luncheon when I go back to my hometown over my short summer break.
 I'm having all my close friends from my graduating class over for a luncheon with mimosas. 
What do you think I should serve?
I've picked my theme: flirtyfeminine, and romantic
Do y'all have any party favor ideas? 
I need some help!
Thanks ladies! 


  1. I LOVE it! Can't wait til you get home cause this momma's gonna hug her baby girl tight!

  2. gosh that sounds so fun!!! cookie cutters in fun shapes. I did a party once and got anchor shaped ones. they are made amazingly well and the price is amazing and people just raved over them. American Cookie Traditions is the company. or maybe some kind of make up or body thing, like a fun summer nail polish or something.

  3. gosh I wish I could help! I'm not much of a party planner ... I just like parties period. hmmm, I'll try to think of something!

  4. I love the little strawberry containers! So adorable =]

  5. sounds amazing. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest outfit post for xo

  6. What a cute idea, Morgan! I love that! Have fun with planning and enjoying some lady company :)


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