Monday, February 24, 2014

Bumpdate: Week 37

Week 37

Gender: It's a Boy! 

Weight Gain/Loss: +32

Baby's Growth: 
He should be weighing in around 6 lbs. 
But I have a funny feeling our boy is much bigger!

Movement: His movement has started to slow down.
I think he is still really active but his movement isn't as big because he has run out of room.

Food Cravings: CHOCOLATE!!!

How I'm Feeling: Picked up a little bit of energy this week!
Having some migraines and crazy painful indigestion.

Anything Making You Queasy/Sick: Nothing really. 

Sleeping: Just depends on the night.

Stretchmarks: Yes! So embarrassed by them but at least I can blame genetics?
Lathering up with both Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lotion & their spray oil, as well. 

Belly Button In/Out: In... But very flat!

We need to:
Hang curtains
Put new knobs on dresser
Steam clean carpets 
Decorate built in book shelf
Wash all clothes
Wash all bedding & blankets
Hang artwork 
Find mirror to hang above dresser
Order rocking chair
Spray paint monogram for above crib 
Organize all his presents from his baby shower
Put down rug 

Other To Do's: 
Put car seat in car
Pack hospital bag
Buy aromatherapy birthing oils
Finish birth plan

Favorite Moment This Week: 
We got a call to come pick up his rocker from Babies R Us. 
It looks absolutely perfect in his room & so happy it came in before his arrival!

Looking Forward To:  
Holding my sweet baby boy in my arms & kissing his chubby cheeks.
Thanks for reading!
Hope y'all have a great week!

*Just a reminder I am posting this one week behind so I can recap my week in full.
I am currently 38 weeks. 


  1. Wow time is flying by! He will be here before you know it. :)

  2. Aaaah! You are so close! I felt like just yesterday you announced it ;)


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