Monday, October 14, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 19

Week 19

Gender: It's a Boy! 

Weight Gain/Loss: +8

Baby's Growth: Our sweet little bear is about 11 oz. & 
for the last two appointments he has been breach. 
Hopefully he will move but it isn't looking like it.

Movement: I starting feeling the baby kick around September 18...

Food Cravings: Lemonade, Grapefruit, Guacamole & Fresh Veggies with Ranch!

How I'm Feeling: I feel great! A little sluggish in the mornings & 
sometimes in the afternoon but over I feel amazing! 

Anything Making You Queasy/Sick: Not really..  

Sleeping: Just depends on the night. Here lately it hasn't been the best sleep.

Have You Started To Show Yet: Definitely showing! 

Maternity Clothes: Definitely in maternity clothes.. 
Wearing some non-maternity leggings, shirts 
& dresses but blue jeans are maternity! 

Stretchmarks: No way! 

Belly Button In/Out: In...

Workouts: I haven't gotten in a workout routine yet 
but planning on getting back to my yoga class on Thursday! 

Favorite Moment This Week: Having my mom here to visit 
& seeing my sweet baby at my doctors appointment. 

We are also about half way through decorating the nursery. 
My mom & hubs painted the nursery, set up the crib & re-did the closet this past weekend. 
I am loving it! Trying to get our nursery finished as soon as possible with school,
Army training, holiday travel & my hubs being on a "business trip" the whole month of January,
getting things done as possible is going to be key for this pregnancy! 

Looking Forward To: Starting our birthing classes on Thursday evening,
my husbands birthday next week & going to the fair. 
Omg!! So excited about fair food. 
Every pregnant woman's dream, right?! 


  1. I'm so glad that things are going well for you! :)

  2. Sounds like things are going well! So happy for you!

  3. I cannot believe you are having a boy!!!!!!

  4. You look fantastic. All of your cravings are things I crave, too!

  5. I thought that little blue pumpkin meant a boy ;) You are so cute!


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