Friday, April 26, 2013

Why I Blog..

In the beginning..
I started this blog as a way to share my newlywed army life 
with my friends and family back home in Arkansas. 
I blogged to share our lives with others and to document our memories.

Now it has become so much more..
I blog to grow relationships with such strong creative women.
I blog to inspire y'all with beauty, fashion & food. 
I blog as a creative outlet.
And I STILL blog to share our memories made. 

I love blogging and this community.
Some days I don't want to blog, sometimes I don't know what to say..
But every time I submit a post, it makes me so happy to know that other women (and men?)
are going through some of the same things and I find solace and strength in that.

I am so happy I joined this blogging community.
I hope some of y'all will link up with the beautiful 
Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition and share why you blog.. 


  1. I am so glad you blog!! i appreciate you and you blog so much!! your the sweetest!!

  2. I'm so happy you blog and you are making me feel horrible that I haven't blogged since October!

  3. I came across your blog through the link up with Leslie. I love this! It's amazing the connections you can make with people, especially when you keep it real. Love your blog!

  4. :) Love this! Blogging sure is amazing.

  5. Found your blog at Leslie's link-up! I feel the same way about blogging. We are also a military family (16+ years) and love that my friends and family can keep up with what we are up to.

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  6. Having a blog is a great way to document life, but it can become so much more :)!

  7. These link ups are great for finding new blogs! Love yours, it is so cute. SO interesting to hear about someone with a lifestyle quite different to my own.

  8. i'm an arkansan! born and raised! where did you use to live?

    i do find it pretty neat that my friends and family that don't live close to me, can still keep up with whats going on in my life. :)

    dropping by from the linkup

  9. I love blogging, I started it as a way to document my creative adventures, but it has been so much more than I could have imagined. Fun times!



  10. Pretty much the exact reason why I began blogging, and the same reasons that I still blog! Plus, it's just addicting!

  11. I love your blog! Wish I could get motivated to post on mine, wah


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