Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Beach Birthday

On Thursday, August 30:
Mr. Army Man and I packed up and headed to Southport, NC.
I had been there before but the hubs hadn't.
You can check out that trip here.

We got there late that night in time for dinner.
We ate at Fishy Fishy.
It was amazing. As per usual.
Pic at the restaurant. So foggy it made my camera blurry.
We walked along the beach and just sat talking and marinating in the romance. 

Friday morning I woke up to blueberry waffles in bed. 
And the loudest birthday singing ever!

 My babe also surprised me with this beauty for my birthday!
I just love it! 

We did a little shopping, walked around downtown, bought some boogie boards. 
And finally headed to the beach.
{I swear it wasn't a nude beach. I have a strapless top on. And I swear my boobs aren't really that saggy. Haha. TMI?}

And of course my crazy man had to feed the seagulls even though it clearly says not to feed them. 
I gave him a break, there wasn't a fine. 
And they did look pretty hungry!

We made it home in time to have burgers and hot dogs on the grill with one of our favorite couple friends.
Complete with board games and CAKE!
Mr. Army Man wrote on it himself and added candles.
{I've never blown out candles on a cake, because my mom is OCD and thinks that when you blow on the cake it's getting spit and germs on it. So no one is allowed to blow out candles on our cakes. Haha.}

Overall it was a pretty successful birthday! 
And the cake was delicious. 
Hope y'all had a great weekend! 
Look for more birthday stories soon! 

And if you haven't yet sign up for my give away here!


  1. What an amazing birthday you had! :)

  2. Thanks for the comment! Love your blog :)

  3. This is so sweet! I'm glad you had your hubby back for your birthday :)

  4. Awww looks like you had a really good birthday! So sweet.

  5. Sounds like a perfect weekend. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy birthday again! I'm glad you had such a fantastic birthday, especially now that your other half is home safe!!!

  7. Aww Happy Birthday girl! The hubby did good!

  8. What a fabulous birthday!! LOVE your new gift!! Happy I just found your blog :)


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