Saturday, August 25, 2012

Liebster Award

Kristen at Just a Girl and her Little Dog nominated me for this amazing award.

Kristen, it was so sweet of you to nominate me. Go check out this beautiful girl's blog.
She's a doll!

To accept this award you must follow these simple rules:
1. Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you plus you MUST create a set of 11 new questions for the 11 people you tag.
3. Choose 11 bloggers
5. Absolutely no tag backs.
6. The bloggers have to have less than 200 followers.
7. Go inform you nominated them for the award.

Things about me:

1. My husband is my best friend.
2. I have three pets: a fish, a dog, a bunny.
3. I am in school to become a chef.
4. By eighteen I was married, owned my own home, and had begun my passion cooking.
5. I want to turn this ole blog into something bigger.
Maybe cooking or even fashion.
6. I love that I live in North Carolina. 
Because of Nicholas Spark's books were filmed here and it has the mountains and the ocean.
Perfect place ever.
7. I adore chap stick.
8. I want to own a duck and a pig before I die.
9. My dream car is a Volvo.
10. I don't have a favorite color or a favorite food.
11. I have the best family in the world.

Questions from Kristen:

1.   Why did you start your blog?
To document my life with my husband after I moved twelve hours away from home. 
For people from back home to keep up with what's going on with us. 

2.   What is something you do every day?

Check my blogs I follow.
Brush my teeth (duh.)
Tell my husband I love him.

3.    Who inspires you most?
My mom and grandma.
Two of the classiest ladies alive.
And of course my husband. 
He is the most optimistic person I know. 
Even in the worst circumstances.

4.   What is your favorite place you have traveled?
New York.

5.   Iphone, blackberry, droid or other?

6.   Chocolate or fruity?

7.  What is on the top of your bucket list?

8.   Describe your dream home?
It isn't about the house itself. 
It's about who I share my home with.
I'm living the dream now.

9.   What is your Favorite reality TV show? (You know you have one.)
I don't really watch reality TV but I guess it would be The Real Housewives of Orange County.

10.  What was the greatest gift you have received?
My engagement ring.

11.    What did you have for breakfast?
Ramen Noodles.
Healthy I know!

My questions:

1. What is your favorite food?
2. If you could spend the rest of your life in one city, where would it be?
3. What's your favorite Starbucks bev?
4. Do you use Instagram, if so what's your username?
5. If you had to choose one type of cuisine to eat for the rest of your life, what type of cuisine would it be?
6. What's your favorite quote?
7. What's your favorite past time?
8. What's your favorite movie?
9. What's your favorite flavor jelly bean?
10. What's your favorite candy?
11. What's your most prized possession? 

I tag:
1. Emily at The Sweetest Thing
2. Brittany at This Beautiful Life
3. Kelly at A Ginn and a Ginn
7. Jade at Jade A. Scott
8. Mac and Molly at Ruffled Romance

Make sure you all sign up to win my give away HERE!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Splish Splash

Our home was built in the mid nineties. 
And while the previous owners kept the house in wonderful condition.
(I mean they added crown molding to our living room days before our move in date.)
At the same time there is still tons of updates we are trying to complete. 
One being both the upstairs bathrooms.
Well now only the master.
So excited to show you!
So here goes...


These are the only photos I have.
I wish I had shown more detail, but I forgot to take before photos. 
These were taken right when we moved in our house. 
Now look the amazing after.


I appreciate all the hard and beautiful work my amazing daddy put into it!
Love him!

He installed new floors, a new light fixture and new base boards.
And my mom painted the cabinet.
I kept the existing shower curtains and such because they are less than a year old.
And we rarely use this bathroom anyway.
I added a new rug and a few accessories.
It is crazy how a little paint and hard work can make something look so much better!
It looks phenomenal!

We really don't use this bathroom much but I love seeing it all shiny and new!
Can't wait for some more home update, when the hubs comes home of course.
Which will be very soon. Yay us!
Hope everyone has had a great week!

{PS} Don't forget to enter my Give Away for a $25 Mary Kay credit!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I've Got Designer Bags..

I've got designer bags under my eyes..
Yesterday evening around 5 pm a huge storm rolled through..
A dead tree took a pounding on my house. 
Three different sides to be exact.

After dealing with the insurance company, my neighbors since it's their tree and trying to find a contractor I have bags under my eyes. 
I need just need a hug, a margarita and a beach!
Prayers please! 
Hope no one else got beat as bad as we did!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Weekend and Click-a-Pic

This weekend was extremely busy. Standard.
My best friend Lyndsay and I went shopping for some new fall goodies.
And of course some great sale things too.
Overall a success on tax free weekend.

Then we rounded up our Friday night with a baseball game.
Durham Bulls Style.
We had amazing seats right behind home plate.

Baby bulls.
Bless my heart!

My favorite part of the stadium.
Hit bull win steak.
Found a tee in the gift shop with the same quote.
Had to buy!

And a bulls win isn't complete with out..


Made it home around 1 am to find my air conditioner was out.

Saturday, I got up early and had a yard sale.
Made about $130.
Hello next shopping extravaganza.

After that I made a Wal-Mart run for lots of fans.
And then for Chinese take out.
I didn't want to heat my house up cooking.
I also got lots of goodies to make some homemade secret family bread recipes.
I enjoyed my lovely meal with some Flashpoint followed by some Talenti.

And now for the first link up with Nicholl at The Chiffon Diary.
The Chiffon Diary

My sweet pink note I read every time I go in the bathroom.
Love him!

I haven't worked out in a while so I got my gear laid out to start tomorrow! 
Go me!

Profile Picture
My standard do. 
Especially with my profession

Nothing says summer like fresh fruits.

via Hyp Boutique
Black Glitter Sequined Blazer
 I'm thinking about ordering..

Hope everyone has a great week! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

On the Skinny

My friend, Lyndsay purchased some black skinnys over the weekend and was so excited!
They look fab on her!
She kept asking how she could pair them, so here we are!
The VERY versatile black skinny.
She is going to rock these in her kindergarten class!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Birthday Wish List

It is my birthday month!
Ladies, get ready to celebrate.
It is on.
One full month of birthday celebrations.
Seeing as my birthday is the last day of the month.

My birthday is the one day of the year that is designed to celebrate only ME.
My husband probably thinks this day is everyday.
He might be right.

I wish for:
My husband to be home to celebrate. 
This will be my third birthday with him and we have never spent one together. 
Fingers crossed it happens this year.
The day we said our "goodbyes."

Chanel Chance Perfume

Kitchen Scales
Taylor Kitchen Scale – Gray (11 lb.)

Black Turban
Black Turban Headband Cotton Spandex Workout Hair Bands (T02)

Roller Blades
Roller Derby Women's V500 Adjustable Inline Skates -

 And of course clothes! 

Can't wait to see what I get!
And to celebrate the real reason,
all the fruits of my mom's labor. Hah!

The best part of August this year,
the hubby's homecoming.
Hopefully it won't be stretched out until September!
Hope you ladies have a great month!