Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tips for Flying with Baby

Traveling is something my husband and I have always enjoyed since being together. 
 A trip to Mexico, home for every Army leave, two trips to DC, 
a couple of vacations to the beach and even to New Orleans. 
When we found out we were pregnant,
 I always wondered how we would manage trips with a little one. 

After my eighth flight with Cooper, sans husband, 
I can officially say traveling with an infant is no big deal. 
(Ask me about this next month when we try to drive 12 hours to AR with him.)

After posting about my sweet little traveling baby on Instagram last week, 
I had quite a few interested in tips and how we made our flights successful.
Mind you, Cooper just turned two months so we are still at the point where he isn't 
effected by a lot including loud noises or being jostled through security.

The key to success in this situation is time management!

Make sure when you book your ticket you have plenty of time between flights. 

On the day of your flight, make sure you arrive at the airport at least an hour and a half early. 
I recommend that you check all bags other than your diaper bag. 

In my diaper bag I made sure I had enough diapers 
and a spare change of clothes for the both of us, just in case of layovers or missed flights.

In my diaper bag I had:
10-12 diapers
changing pad (airports are gross)
spare change of clothes for me and baby
extra blanket
2 burp cloths
2 bibs 
diaper ointment
pacifier (helps to keep ears from popping)
 snack (for me)
water bottle to fill up inside of airport
nursing cover
one bottle of milk

Side note: I breast feed. So of course you may need to pack formula and bottles for your little one. 
Make sure you have enough for layovers and such. 

When we travel I bring our stroller and car seat with us. So when you go through security you have to take your little one out of the carrier to go through. 
They will ask you to step aside to get a swab of your hands. 

Once through security things are a breeze. 

Once you get to your departure gate, if bringing a stroller or car seat make sure you get a tag to gate check your items before you get in line to board. 

Most airlines also offer family boarding so you can take your time. 
I also recommend if you have a wrap or baby carrier that you use it during your flight especially if you didn't buy an extra seat. 

The airlines won't let you use it during take off and landing but it definitely helps to not have to hold your baby for a flight over an hour. 

On our last flight the plane only had 80 people on board, the plane held well over 200.
I hadn't bought a seat for Cooper (for obvious reasons) but I asked the flight attendant if I could possibly get his car seat back and let him sit in his own seat since it was a 3 hour flight. 

Most flight attendants are very understanding and will work with you. 
In this case, Cooper got his own seat and slept the entire time. 
Making one happy, less tired momma. 

Also, if you need to keep your milk chilled, for whatever reason they will store it for you in the front of the cabin.

Overall my experience with traveling with my 2 month old has been very forgiving. 
People seem to help when needed and are completely understanding. 

Feel free to ask any questions. 
Hopefully this was somewhat useful!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Nursery Reveal & Big News


As soon as we found out we were having a boy, I knew I wanted to show case our patriotism & my husband's Army career. 
And honestly I don't think anything screams little boy more than red & blue. 

I love that it isn't baby blue and is something that he can grow into. 
I even found a sweet little collection of "baby" history books on Amazon that tells of our nations story in a way that kids can understand. 

This is by far my favorite room in our house & often find myself sitting in the rocker while Cooper is asleep & just taking it all in.

It's so sad that in just a few short months this house will be rented out while we head down to Fort Benning. But I am so glad we are just renting it. This house will always carry a special place in my heart as the home we moved into just a week after we got married & brought our sweet bundle of joy home. 

So bittersweet. 

Can't wait to see what the Army has in store for us next! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Spring Bucket List

Spring Bucket List

With each season comes traditions & new adventures to look forward to..

Here are just a few things I'm looking forward to marking off my list & enjoying some sweet simple family time in the process..