Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Military Moving

Moving is something everyone experiences at least once in their lifetime. 
Sometimes more so if you are in the military. 

Today, I'd like to talk to you about a company that makes moving day just a little easier.
A company that I would personally use the day the Army gives us those dreaded PCS orders.

UShip is a company that works with the Armed Forces to make your moving experience as streamline as possible assisting with logistics and any realities associated with such a stressful time as moving. 

UShip has also provided a great moving guide
to help ease your family into one of the biggest changes you may face including:
What to expect with your military move.
How to prepare your family.
The benefits of moving often.
How to adjust to your new life in a new place.

Check that out and find more information here

Make sure you check out the UShip website for all your moving needs. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 24

25 & 2 days Pregnant
*Please keep in mind that I am always a week a head of my "Bumpdate's" 
so that I can give a full recap of the week before. 

Week 24

Gender: It's a Boy! 

Weight Gain/Loss: +13

Baby's Growth: About a pound & a half. 
The size of a cantaloupe? 

Movement: This kid is SO strong! 
Love feeling his little kicks and squirms. 
It is always the highlight of my day!

Food Cravings: Anything peppermint, soy eggnog, pears, & water.

Symptoms: It's getting harder to get in/out of the car & up off the couch. 

Anything Making You Queasy/Sick: Men's Cologne, Grilled Foods & Fire Smoke.

Sleeping: Other than waking up a couple times to potty, 
sleeping like a baby.

Stretchmarks: Starting to get some on my "love handles". 
Not too thrilled about this but my sweet little boy will be so worth it.

Belly Button In/Out: In

Nursery: Just got our curtains in. 
I am absolutely loving how everything is turning out. 

Favorite Moment This Week: Having three days off from work & school.
 I needed it so bad. 
Sleeping in, keeping my feet up, & getting in exercise everyday it was just what this momma needed. 

Looking Forward To: Having Thursday off to cook & spend time with Mr. Army Man.

Hope y'all have a good week!
Come back tomorrow for a special post geared toward help with moving in the military. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 23

Week 23

Gender: It's a Boy! 

Weight Gain/Loss: +12

Baby's Growth: Should be weighing in at a pound & a quarter.

Doctor's Appointment: Measuring a week ahead of schedule. 
Been put on a low carb, low sugar diet.
Suggested to walk everyday.

Movement: YES!
I was taking a bath the other night & little bear was kicking 
so hard you could see it through my stomach.
He was literally causing waves in the water. 

Food Cravings: Donuts, Pears & Water.

How I'm Feeling: Fat, moody & hormonal. 
But seriously that's how I'm feeling.
Oh & on top of that the ridiculous nausea & heartburn 
that I had during my first trimester is back with a vengeance.  

Anything Making You Queasy/Sick: Grilled food.

Sleeping: I don't know if it's all this work, but sleeping better than a baby.

Stretchmarks: None.

Belly Button In/Out: In...

Nursery: Haven't worked on it much.

Favorite Moment This Week: I went shopping by myself Tuesday afternoon.
Walking around the mall, having a quite lunch, & buying a few goodies for myself was the perfect treat.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 22

Okay, so I have been a bad blogger & absolutely terrible at updating my Bumpdates.
From now on I am dedicating Monday's to reflect on the previous weeks pregnancy happenings.

Week 22

Gender: It's a Boy! 

Weight Gain/Loss: +10

Baby's Growth: Should be weighing in at a little over a pound.

Movement: TONS. 
This child is in constant motion.
I can now see his little jabs, instead of just feeling them.
The hubs & I will sit on the couch just watching like its the TV or something.

Food Cravings: Doughnuts (even though I haven't indulged), French Onion Dip with Ruffles, 
Peppermint Mocha, Hot Wings, Pears & Water.

How I'm Feeling: Pretty great other than 
having some crazy nerve pains in my legs & back.

Speaking of which, my legs have been giving out on me.
In the middle of Target last Sunday I was walking through the store and my leg gave out.
My purse and groceries went flying. Mr. Army Man was behind me
& didn't have a chance to help me before I fell.
My head ended up hitting the concrete floor & I had about 20 other shopper surrounding me
asking if they needed to call 911.
So embarrassing...

Needless to say I am okay..
But I felt like I was in a car accident for the next couple of days afterward.

Anything Making You Queasy/Sick: The smell of men's cologne. 

Sleeping: It just depends on the night. 
Some nights my mind just won't turn off,
 going to ask the doctor if I there is something I can take to make sleep easier.

Stretchmarks: Not yet & hopefully not ever! 

Belly Button In/Out: In...

Nursery: The hubs refinished an antique dresser for the babe's room on Friday.
I could not be more in love with how the nursery is coming along.

Favorite Moment This Week: Getting all dressed up for our annual Army Ball. 

Looking Forward To: My doctor's appointment this afternoon.
The pears that are on the way to me from my mom via Harry & David! Yum..
And the fact that I just booked my flight home for my baby shower in December.
Things are getting exciting!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Fab Favorites

Fab Favorites

Happy Friday!
Linking up today with Lauren from Style Elixer for  Friday's Fab Favorites.
While my favorites may not be so fab, these duds are making me absolutely giddy right now. 

I just bought my baby shower dress & I am already picking out ways to style it
with some cute booties & Kendra Scott earrings. I cannot wait!

Butter London has been my favorite nail polish for quite some time,
when I saw it today in Navy, I knew it was coming home with momma.

And of course, no post these days would go without some kind of pregnancy craving including the scrumptious doughnut & a little something for my sweet baby boy!

Hope you have a fab Friday & enjoy your weekend!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunday Fun

Hi dolls,
Happy Monday!

This weekend was definitely one to write home about!

We started the weekend off with the hubs getting off work early, & that never happens.
 Saturday, we had our annual Army Ball. 
(Pictures coming soon..)

& Sunday
I had a segway tour booked of Downtown Raleigh for the hubs birthday present. 
We loved seeing parts of Raleigh we weren't familiar with, learning some history 
& finding some new restaurants. 

After the segway tour, I headed to Coquette Basserie to join some fabulous ladies from 
The Southern Blog Society for brunch.
My yummy Eggs Benedict!

If you see an opportunity to reach out and meet some other bloggers, do it!
You will love getting out of your comfort zone & meeting people 
that know what it's like putting yourself out on the internet! 

The Southern Blog Society is always open for new members & just added an Arkansas chapter.
Can't wait for the next one, you ladies were amazing!

Thanks for stopping by!