Monday, September 30, 2013

Pregnancy Necessities

Pregnancy Necessities

Since becoming pregnant I cannot put the books down.
I found that "Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay" is the best book for 
expecting mothers & mothers alike. 
It literally could be written by Chelsea Handler. 
This woman is crazy hilarious. 
Go get it now.

I absolutely live in maternity yoga pants right now.
So comfy.

I can't sleep without my body pillow. 
Sleeping on only the left side of your body can be a complete pain.
So I had to get creative with how to reach comfort.
If you are pregnant this is an absolute MUST!

Raw almonds & water are my go to snack.
Full of protein & antioxidants are just what this soon-to-be-momma needs.

What are your necessities as of late?  

Monday, September 16, 2013

Daddy Comes to Visit

My sweet daddy came to visit this weekend!

Friday night, I decided to make him a homemade chicken pot pie 
& some pumpkin white chocolate chip brownies. 
{Check back for the brownie recipe later this week.}

 Saturday, the hubs & I took my dad to our favorite hole in the wall breakfast spot.
& after my dad took me to Raleigh to get some maternity clothes.

We spend the rest of the afternoon and the movies watching, The Family.

That night we caught up on some football & then headed out for margaritas & Mexican. 
{Of course I only had water...}

Sunday morning, my dad left early but I will see him next Saturday morning, 
as I head back to Memphis to visit my family. 

Hope y'all had a great weekend!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 14

How Far Along: 14 Weeks

Gender: ???
Our appointment to find out is set for October 10th!

Weight Gain/Loss: +2 pounds.

Favorite Moment This Week: My dad came to visit. {Read about that here.} 

Movement: Not yet... 

Food Cravings: Fruit especially clementines and strawberries.
Candy, Lemonade, Crab Rangoon.

How I'm feeling: A lot better than in my first trimester,
although I've been having lots of migraines and severe headaches.

Anything Making You Queasy/Sick: Men's Cologne.

Sleeping: Aside from getting up every two hours to potty, I am sleeping like a rock.

Have You Started To Show Yet: I'm at the point where people may guess I'm pregnant but still looks like I've eaten too many chili cheese fries & honey buns. Hah!

Maternity Clothes: My dad took me shopping for maternity clothes this past weekend.
I ended up getting 4 pairs of pants, 11 tops, undies, and a bra. So excited!

Stretchmarks: I don't have any yet & hopefully I won't get any. 

Belly Button In/Out: In...

Workouts: Being on my feet between 5-8 hours a day, nonstop.
I really don't want to workout after.

Looking Forward To: Finals then heading home to Arkansas for a week!
Can't wait to go shopping with my mom.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 12

So I am a little behind on documenting my pregnancy. 
Bare with me as I try to get it all in!

How Far Along: 12 Weeks

Gender: ??? 

Weight Gain/Loss: I haven't gained a pound!

Favorite Moment This Week: I made Dean's List for the Spring Quarter & there was a Banquet at school for it. I was so excited to have Mr. Army Man come out & be there with me. 

Movement: Not yet... 

Food Cravings: Salads & Ranch, Cucumber, Peaches, Ham & Cheese Hot Pockets, Mandarin Oranges, Ramen Noodles. 

Anything Making You Queasy/Sick: Pretty much all meat except chicken, Garlic. The smell of bacon or hot dogs. {Side Note: The hubs made hot dogs the other night and I made him stand out on the front porch in the rain & eat them. I'm the worst wife, ever!}

Have You Started To Show Yet: I have a tiny little belly but with clothes on you can't really tell.

Maternity Clothes: I bought my first pair of maternity pants this week at Motherhood Maternity. I've been so uncomfortable in my stretchy chef pants because of the tight elastic band. Loving my maternity yoga pants!

Stretchmarks: I don't have any yet & hopefully I won't get any. Fingers-crossed! I just bought the Palmer's Cocoa Butter Set with like five different lotions, creams, serums. Now just to make sure I stay lathered up!

Belly Button In/Out: In...

Workouts: I haven't worked out in about a month but hopefully I will feel like getting back in the gym soon since a lot of my nausea has subsided. 

Look for some more maternity fun & bump dates coming soon..
I am so excited to share & document this with all of you!
Thanks for reading...